Pin Configuration
On this page
Pinout table
The FPGA Drive FMC Gen4 has a high pin count FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) connector, providing the connections to the FPGA on the development board. The following table defines the pinout of the FMC connector and describes each pin’s purpose on this mezzanine card.
To avoid confusion, we have chosen not to label the PCIe lanes as being TX or RX; instead we have labelled them with the direction in which the signal flows (eg. FPGA-to-SSD1 means that the FPGA transmits this signal and the SSD1 receives).
Pin | Pin name | Net | Description |
A1 | GND | GND | Ground |
A2 | DP1_M2C_P | SSDA2FPGA_1_P | PCIe lane 1 positive (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A3 | DP1_M2C_N | SSDA2FPGA_1_N | PCIe lane 1 negative (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A4 | GND | GND | Ground |
A5 | GND | GND | Ground |
A6 | DP2_M2C_P | SSDA2FPGA_2_P | PCIe lane 2 positive (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A7 | DP2_M2C_N | SSDA2FPGA_2_N | PCIe lane 2 negative (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A8 | GND | GND | Ground |
A9 | GND | GND | Ground |
A10 | DP3_M2C_P | SSDA2FPGA_3_P | PCIe lane 3 positive (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A11 | DP3_M2C_N | SSDA2FPGA_3_N | PCIe lane 3 negative (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
A12 | GND | GND | Ground |
A13 | GND | GND | Ground |
A14 | DP4_M2C_P | SSDB2FPGA_0_P | PCIe lane 0 positive (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
A15 | DP4_M2C_N | SSDB2FPGA_0_N | PCIe lane 0 negative (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
A16 | GND | GND | Ground |
A17 | GND | GND | Ground |
A18 | DP5_M2C_P | SSDB2FPGA_1_P | PCIe lane 1 positive (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
A19 | DP5_M2C_N | SSDB2FPGA_1_N | PCIe lane 1 negative (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
A20 | GND | GND | Ground |
A21 | GND | GND | Ground |
A22 | DP1_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDA_1_P | PCIe lane 1 positive (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A23 | DP1_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDA_1_N | PCIe lane 1 negative (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A24 | GND | GND | Ground |
A25 | GND | GND | Ground |
A26 | DP2_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDA_2_P | PCIe lane 2 positive (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A27 | DP2_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDA_2_N | PCIe lane 2 negative (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A28 | GND | GND | Ground |
A29 | GND | GND | Ground |
A30 | DP3_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDA_3_P | PCIe lane 3 positive (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A31 | DP3_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDA_3_N | PCIe lane 3 negative (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
A32 | GND | GND | Ground |
A33 | GND | GND | Ground |
A34 | DP4_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDB_0_P | PCIe lane 0 positive (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
A35 | DP4_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDB_0_N | PCIe lane 0 negative (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
A36 | GND | GND | Ground |
A37 | GND | GND | Ground |
A38 | DP5_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDB_1_P | PCIe lane 1 positive (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
A39 | DP5_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDB_1_N | PCIe lane 1 negative (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
A40 | GND | GND | Ground |
B1 | CLK_DIR | N/C | Not connected |
B2 | GND | GND | Ground |
B3 | GND | GND | Ground |
B4 | DP9_M2C_P | N/C | Not connected |
B5 | DP9_M2C_N | N/C | Not connected |
B6 | GND | GND | Ground |
B7 | GND | GND | Ground |
B8 | DP8_M2C_P | N/C | Not connected |
B9 | DP8_M2C_N | N/C | Not connected |
B10 | GND | GND | Ground |
B11 | GND | GND | Ground |
B12 | DP7_M2C_P | SSDB2FPGA_3_P | PCIe lane 3 positive (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
B13 | DP7_M2C_N | SSDB2FPGA_3_N | PCIe lane 3 negative (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
B14 | GND | GND | Ground |
B15 | GND | GND | Ground |
B16 | DP6_M2C_P | SSDB2FPGA_2_P | PCIe lane 2 positive (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
B17 | DP6_M2C_N | SSDB2FPGA_2_N | PCIe lane 2 negative (SSD2-to-FPGA) |
B18 | GND | GND | Ground |
B19 | GND | GND | Ground |
B20 | GBTCLK1_M2C_P | REFCLKB_FPGA_P | 100MHz PCIe reference clock for the FPGA |
B21 | GBTCLK1_M2C_N | REFCLKB_FPGA_N | 100MHz PCIe reference clock for the FPGA |
B22 | GND | GND | Ground |
B23 | GND | GND | Ground |
B24 | DP9_C2M_P | N/C | Not connected |
B25 | DP9_C2M_N | N/C | Not connected |
B26 | GND | GND | Ground |
B27 | GND | GND | Ground |
B28 | DP8_C2M_P | N/C | Not connected |
B29 | DP8_C2M_N | N/C | Not connected |
B30 | GND | GND | Ground |
B31 | GND | GND | Ground |
B32 | DP7_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDB_3_P | PCIe lane 3 positive (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
B33 | DP7_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDB_3_N | PCIe lane 3 negative (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
B34 | GND | GND | Ground |
B35 | GND | GND | Ground |
B36 | DP6_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDB_2_P | PCIe lane 2 positive (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
B37 | DP6_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDB_2_N | PCIe lane 2 negative (FPGA-to-SSD2) |
B38 | GND | GND | Ground |
B39 | GND | GND | Ground |
B40 | RES0 | N/C | Not connected |
C1 | GND | GND | Ground |
C2 | DP0_C2M_P | FPGA2SSDA_0_P | PCIe lane 0 positive (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
C3 | DP0_C2M_N | FPGA2SSDA_0_N | PCIe lane 0 negative (FPGA-to-SSD1) |
C4 | GND | GND | Ground |
C5 | GND | GND | Ground |
C6 | DP0_M2C_P | SSDA2FPGA_0_P | PCIe lane 0 positive (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
C7 | DP0_M2C_N | SSDA2FPGA_0_N | PCIe lane 0 negative (SSD1-to-FPGA) |
C8 | GND | GND | Ground |
C9 | GND | GND | Ground |
C10 | LA06_P | N/C | Not connected |
C11 | LA06_N | N/C | Not connected |
C12 | GND | GND | Ground |
C13 | GND | GND | Ground |
C14 | LA10_P | N/C | Not connected |
C15 | LA10_N | N/C | Not connected |
C16 | GND | GND | Ground |
C17 | GND | GND | Ground |
C18 | LA14_P | N/C | Not connected |
C19 | LA14_N | N/C | Not connected |
C20 | GND | GND | Ground |
C21 | GND | GND | Ground |
C22 | LA18_P_CC | N/C | Not connected |
C23 | LA18_N_CC | N/C | Not connected |
C24 | GND | GND | Ground |
C25 | GND | GND | Ground |
C26 | LA27_P | N/C | Not connected |
C27 | LA27_N | N/C | Not connected |
C28 | GND | GND | Ground |
C29 | GND | GND | Ground |
C30 | SCL | I2C_SCL | I2C Clock (FPGA-to-PHY) |
C31 | SDA | I2C_SDA | I2C Data (bidirectional) |
C32 | GND | GND | Ground |
C33 | GND | GND | Ground |
C34 | GA0 | GA0 | EEPROM Address Bit 1 (A1) |
C35 | 12P0V_1 | 12V0 | 12VDC |
C36 | GND | GND | Ground |
C37 | 12P0V_2 | 12V0 | 12VDC |
C38 | GND | GND | Ground |
C39 | 3P3V_1 | 3V3 | 3.3VDC |
C40 | GND | GND | Ground |
D1 | PG_C2M | PG | Power Good (Driven by carrier) |
D2 | GND | GND | Ground |
D3 | GND | GND | Ground |
D4 | GBTCLK0_M2C_P | REFCLKA_FPGA_P | 100MHz PCIe reference clock for the FPGA |
D5 | GBTCLK0_M2C_N | REFCLKA_FPGA_P | 100MHz PCIe reference clock for the FPGA |
D6 | GND | GND | Ground |
D7 | GND | GND | Ground |
D8 | LA01_P_CC | N/C | Not connected |
D9 | LA01_N_CC | N/C | Not connected |
D10 | GND | GND | Ground |
D11 | LA05_P | N/C | Not connected |
D12 | LA05_N | N/C | Not connected |
D13 | GND | GND | Ground |
D14 | LA09_P | N/C | Not connected |
D15 | LA09_N | N/C | Not connected |
D16 | GND | GND | Ground |
D17 | LA13_P | N/C | Not connected |
D18 | LA13_N | N/C | Not connected |
D19 | GND | GND | Ground |
D20 | LA17_P_CC | RSVD | Reserved for production testing |
D21 | LA17_N_CC | RSVD | Reserved for production testing |
D22 | GND | GND | Ground |
D23 | LA23_P | N/C | Not connected |
D24 | LA23_N | N/C | Not connected |
D25 | GND | GND | Ground |
D26 | LA26_P | N/C | Not connected |
D27 | LA26_N | N/C | Not connected |
D28 | GND | GND | Ground |
D29 | TCK | N/C | Not used |
D30 | TDI | TDI-TDO | JTAG TDI (Connects to TDO to close JTAG chain) |
D31 | TDO | TDI-TDO | JTAG TDO (Connects to TDI to close JTAG chain) |
D32 | 3P3VAUX | 3V3AUX | 3.3VDC Power supply for EEPROM |
D33 | TMS | N/C | Not used |
D34 | TRST_L | N/C | Not used |
D35 | GA1 | GA1 | EEPROM Address Bit 0 (A0) |
D36 | 3P3V_2 | 3V3 | 3.3VDC |
D37 | GND | GND | Ground |
D38 | 3P3V_3 | 3V3 | 3.3VDC |
D39 | GND | GND | Ground |
D40 | 3P3V_4 | 3V3 | 3.3VDC |
G1 | GND | GND | Ground |
G2 | CLK1_M2C_P | N/C | Not used |
G3 | CLK1_M2C_N | N/C | Not used |
G4 | GND | GND | Ground |
G5 | GND | GND | Ground |
G6 | LA00_P_CC | PERST_A | PCIe reset for SSD1 (active high) |
G7 | LA00_N_CC | PEDET_A | PCIe detect for SSD1 |
G8 | GND | GND | Ground |
G9 | LA03_P | N/C | Not connected |
G10 | LA03_N | N/C | Not connected |
G11 | GND | GND | Ground |
G12 | LA08_P | N/C | Not connected |
G13 | LA08_N | N/C | Not connected |
G14 | GND | GND | Ground |
G15 | LA12_P | N/C | Not connected |
G16 | LA12_N | N/C | Not connected |
G17 | GND | GND | Ground |
G18 | LA16_P | N/C | Not connected |
G19 | LA16_N | N/C | Not connected |
G20 | GND | GND | Ground |
G21 | LA20_P | N/C | Not connected |
G22 | LA20_N | N/C | Not connected |
G23 | GND | GND | Ground |
G24 | LA22_P | N/C | Not connected |
G25 | LA22_N | N/C | Not connected |
G26 | GND | GND | Ground |
G27 | LA25_P | N/C | Not connected |
G28 | LA25_N | N/C | Not connected |
G29 | GND | GND | Ground |
G30 | LA29_P | N/C | Not connected |
G31 | LA29_N | N/C | Not connected |
G32 | GND | GND | Ground |
G33 | LA31_P | N/C | Not connected |
G34 | LA31_N | N/C | Not connected |
G35 | GND | GND | Ground |
G36 | LA33_P | N/C | Not connected |
G37 | LA33_N | N/C | Not connected |
G38 | GND | GND | Ground |
G39 | VADJ_3 | VADJ | I/O Supply Voltage |
G40 | GND | GND | Ground |
H1 | VREF_A_M2C | N/C | Not used |
H2 | PRSNT_M2C_L | GND | Ground |
H3 | GND | GND | Ground |
H4 | CLK0_M2C_P | N/C | Not used |
H5 | CLK0_M2C_N | N/C | Not used |
H6 | GND | GND | Ground |
H7 | LA02_P | N/C | Not connected |
H8 | LA02_N | N/C | Not connected |
H9 | GND | GND | Ground |
H10 | LA04_P | PERST_B | PCIe reset for SSD2 (active high) |
H11 | LA04_N | PEDET_B | PCIe detect for SSD2 |
H12 | GND | GND | Ground |
H13 | LA07_P | DISABLE_SSD2_PWR | Disable switching regulator for SSD2 (0=Enable,1=Disable) |
H14 | LA07_N | N/C | Not used |
H15 | GND | GND | Ground |
H16 | LA11_P | N/C | Not connected |
H17 | LA11_N | N/C | Not connected |
H18 | GND | GND | Ground |
H19 | LA15_P | N/C | Not connected |
H20 | LA15_N | N/C | Not connected |
H21 | GND | GND | Ground |
H22 | LA19_P | N/C | Not connected |
H23 | LA19_N | N/C | Not connected |
H24 | GND | GND | Ground |
H25 | LA21_P | N/C | Not connected |
H26 | LA21_N | N/C | Not connected |
H27 | GND | GND | Ground |
H28 | LA24_P | N/C | Not connected |
H29 | LA24_N | N/C | Not connected |
H30 | GND | GND | Ground |
H31 | LA28_P | N/C | Not connected |
H32 | LA28_N | N/C | Not connected |
H33 | GND | GND | Ground |
H34 | LA30_P | N/C | Not connected |
H35 | LA30_N | N/C | Not connected |
H36 | GND | GND | Ground |
H37 | LA32_P | N/C | Not connected |
H38 | LA32_N | N/C | Not connected |
H39 | GND | GND | Ground |
H40 | VADJ_4 | VADJ | I/O Supply Voltage |
Rows E,F,J and K of the HPC connector were left out of the above table. On the mezzanine card, these rows
are left unconnected, with the exception of the ground and VADJ pins which are connected appropriately.